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This report describes observations on the ontogeny of food choice in mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei), made during a 17-month field study of mountain gorilla feeding ecology in the Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda. Data are presented on the feeding behavior of two infants observed from birth to the age of 8 months and on older infants and juveniles. This information is compared with data on the composition and diversity of the diets of young adults and adults in the same social group. Initial feeding by infants is usually synchronized with the mother's behavior: infants ingest the same food, or a different part of the same plant species, currently being eaten by the mother or just eaten by her. This suggests that observational learning is largely responsible for the transmission of food preferences. Most feeding by young infants, whether or not synchronized with the mother's, is on those foods eaten most frequently by adults. Infants also independently sample potential foods, some of which are apparently not consumed by adults. The frequency of sampling declines with age, although even adults occasionally ingest foods not observed to be eaten by other adults. By the age of 3 years, young mountain gorillas have developed the basic dietary patterns of adults, in terms of the number of foods eaten, the proportions in which specific foods are consumed, and diet diversity and equitability. There is a strong possibility that chemical cues influence food choice, but their role remains unclear.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die serotoninhaltigen, nach Formaldehydbedampfung im UV-Licht gelbfluoreszierenden EC-Zellen im Magendarmepithel wurden bei normalen und bei tryptophanfrei ernährten Ratten untersucht. Bei Kontrolltieren ist die Zahl der EC-Zellen, bezogen auf die Schleimhautfläche, im Duodenum größer als im Pylorus. Im Duodenum sind die EC-Zellen etwa gleichmäßig auf Oberflächen- und Drüsenepithel verteilt, im Pylorus ganz überwiegend im Drüsenepithel lokalisiert. Die Brunnerschen Drüsen besitzen keine EC-Zellen. Tryptophanfreie Diät führt zu starker Abnahme des Serotoningehalts der EC-Zellen, nach Umsetzung auf Normalkost steigt er wieder an. — Die Ergebnisse sprechen weiterhin dafür, daß die EC-Zelle sowohl Speicher- als auch Syntheseort von Serotonin ist. Dabei kommt Serotonin in der EC-Zelle wahrscheinlich in zwei Fraktionen vor, nämlich zytoplasmatisch gelöst und granulagebunden. Die histochemischen Nachweismethoden für Serotonin, Möglichkeiten des Eingriffs in die verschiedenen Syntheseschritte des Serotonins und deren Spezifität in bezug auf die EC-Zelle als physiologischem Ort der Serotoninsynthese werden diskutiert.
Studies on the endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tractII. Fluorescence microscopy of the EC-cells after tryptophan-free diet
Summary The serotonin-containing EC-cells of the gastro-intestinal mucosa, which show yellow fluorescence after treatment with gaseous formaldehyde, were investigated in the rat after normal and tryptophan-free nourishment. In control animals the number of EC-cells, related to epithelium area is higher in the duodenum than in the pyloric region. In the duodenum the EC-cells show about the same distribution in surface epithelium and gland epithelium. In the pyloric region EC-cells are localized predominantly in the gland epithelium. No EC-cells were found in the Brunner glands. After tryptophan-free diet the serotonin-level of the EC-cells strongly decreases; serotonin-level increases after return to normal nourishment. The results also suggest, that serotonin is synthesized as well as stored in the EC-cell and that it occurs in two fractions: bound to granules and dissolved in the cytoplasm. Discussion deals with the histochemical methods for determination of serotonin, the possibilities of influencing the pathways of serotonin metabolism and the specificity of these possibilities concerning the EC-cell as the physiological site of serotonin synthesis.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Antrag Fo 77, 1–4.  相似文献   
Theoretical models of species coexistence between desert mammals have generally been based on a combination of food and microhabitat selection by granivorous rodents. Although these models are applicable in various deserts of the world, they cannot explain resource use by mammals in Neotropical deserts. The present study examines diet composition in a mammal assemblage in the Monte desert, Argentina. The results show that two main strategies are used by these mammals: medium‐sized species (hystricognath rodents: Dolichotis patagonum, Lagostomus maximus, Microcavia australis and Galea musteloides; and an exotic lagomorph: Lepus europaeus) are herbivores, whereas small‐sized species (a marsupial: Thylamys pusillus; and sigmodontine rodents: Graomys griseoflavus, Akodon molinae, Calomys musculinus, Eligmodontia typus) are omnivorous. Small mammals also show a tendency towards granivory (C. musculinus), insectivory (A. molinae and T. pusillus) and folivory (G. griseoflavus).  相似文献   
The composition of the diet of a savanna-living population of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Mt. Assirik in Senegal is presented. The study site had a prolonged dry season, high temperatures, and vegetation dominated by grasses. Data came from direct observation, fecal specimens, and feeding traces; thus, strict criteria for acceptance of the indirect data were specified. Composition of diet was given in terms of species and family of prey, parts eaten, life-form, type of habitat, and criteria for inclusion. Forty-three species of plants with 60 parts were eaten; mostly fruits, from trees, in woodland. Nine species of animal prey were eaten, mostly social insects. An additional 41 species of plants with 53 parts were classed as likely to be eaten by chimpanzees, mostly on the grounds of their being eaten by sympatric anthropoids. Overall, the diet of the apes at Mt. Assirik resembles that of this species elsewhere in Africa, but the size of the dietary repertoire seems small and the proportion of low-quality foodstuffs high. The latter are mostly time-consuming to collect or tedious to obtain or process, and include underground storage organs.  相似文献   
1. Generalist herbivores feed on a wide and diverse set of species, but fine‐scale foraging patterns may be affected by the interplay between the quality, quantity and spatial distribution of host plants. 2. The foraging patterns of a prevalent Neotropical herbivore, the leaf‐cutter ant Atta laevigata, in the Brazilian Cerrado savannas were examined in order to determine if patterns observed are in concert with central‐place foraging predictions. 3. The results showed that A. laevigata acts as a polyphagous but highly selective herbivore, with ant attacks often resulting in partial defoliation of less‐preferred species and full defoliation of preferred ones. It was found, for the first time, that there is a strong and positive relationship between the relative attack frequency on plants from preferred species and foraging distance to the nest. This suggests a balance between the quality of plant resources harvested and costs involved in their transportation. It was also observed that colonies focused their harvest on preferred species in months with low availability of young leaves. Consequently, high herbivory rate was more frequent in plants attacked far away from the nest and in dry months. 4. These assessments highlight the fact that Atta colonies may become more selective as foraging distance to the nest increases and in response to fluctuations in the availability of palatable resources throughout the year. The results also show some dissimilarities in the foraging behaviours of A. laevigata when compared with other locations, suggesting that widely distributed herbivores may modify foraging strategies across their geographic range.  相似文献   
Although it is generally assumed that among mammals and within mammal groups, those species that rely on diets consisting of greater amounts of plant fiber have larger gastrointestinal tracts (GIT), statistical evidence for this simple claim is largely lacking. We compiled a dataset on the length of the small intestine, caecum, and colon in 42 strepsirrhine, platyrrhine, and catarrhine primate species, using specimens with known body mass (BM). We tested the scaling of intestine length with BM, and whether dietary proxies (percentage of leaves and a diet quality index) were significant covariates in these scaling relationships, using two sets of models: one that did not account for the phylogenetic structure of the data, and one that did. Intestine length mainly scaled geometrically at exponents that included 0.33 in the confidence interval; Strepsirrhini exhibited particularly long caeca, while those of Catarrhini were comparatively short. Diet proxies were only significant for the colon and the total large intestine (but not for the small intestine or the caecum), and only in conventional statistics (but not when accounting for phylogeny), indicating the pattern occurred across but not within clades. Compared to terrestrial Carnivora, primates have similar small intestine lengths, but longer large intestines. The data on intestine lengths presented here corroborate recent results on GIT complexity, suggesting that diet, as currently described, does not exhaustively explain GIT anatomy within primate clades.  相似文献   
The Indochinese silvered langur (Trachypithecus germaini) is distributed to the west of Mekong River in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. During a two‐year study, from May 2014 to May 2016, we collected 320.44 hr of behavior, with 17,040 feeding bouts recorded (142 hr) for T. germaini on Chua Hang Karst Mountain, Kien Luong District, Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. Feeding accounted for 45% of the Indochinese silvered langurs’ activity budget. The plant diet of the Indochinese silvered langurs was principally composed of young leaves (58%), followed by mature leaves (9.5%), fruits (22.7%), flowers (4.7%), buds (3.3%), petioles (1.2%), and other (0.5%). A total of 58 plant species were fed on by the silvered langurs, and leaves of eight species (Phyllathus reticulatus, Ficus rumphii, Ficus tinctoria, Ficus microcarpa, Cayratia trifolia, Streblus ilicifolia, Combretum latifolium, and Streblus asper) were fed on throughout the year. P. reticulatus was most frequently eaten (13.9% feeding time, n = 1,733). Food selection differed significantly between months and seasons. The Indochinese silvered langurs ate 27 plant species in the wet season compared with 23 plant species in the dry season. Leaf chemical composition of two food categories, 16 eaten species (with 10 most frequently consumed species and six least consumed species), and four noneaten species, were analyzed. Feeding samples from eaten species in the Indochinese silvered langurs's diet contained lower amounts of condensed tannin, lignin, protein, ash, and lipids, but a higher amount of total sugar compared with samples from noneaten species. Furthermore, the most frequently consumed species contained lower amounts of lignin compared with the less frequently consumed species. Using a generalized linear model with five variables, including neutral detergent fiber (NDF), total sugar, lignin, lipid, and calcium (Ca) indicated that NDF positively correlated and lignin content negatively correlated with feeding records in the diet of these langur.  相似文献   
Previously we have shown that the Japanese macaque gut microbiome differs not by obesity per se, but rather in association with high‐fat diet (HFD) feeding. This held true for both pregnant dams, as well as their 1‐year‐old offspring, even when weaned onto a control diet. Here we aimed to examine the stability of the gut microbiome over time and in response to maternal and postweaning HFD feeding from 6 months of age, and at 1 and 3 years of age. In both cross‐sectional and longitudinal specimens, we performed analysis of the V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene on anus swabs collected from pregnant dams and their juveniles at age 6 months to 3 years (n = 55). Extracted microbial DNA was subjected to 16S‐amplicon‐based metagenomic sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq platform. We initially identified 272 unique bacterial genera, and multidimensional scaling revealed samples to cluster by age and diet exposures. Dirichlet multinomial mixture modeling of microbiota abundances enabled identification of two predominant enterotypes to which samples sorted, characterized primarily by Treponema abundance, or lack thereof. Approximating the time of initial weaning (6 months), the Japanese macaque offspring microbiome underwent a significant state type transition which stabilized from 1 to 3 years of age. However, we also found the low abundance Treponema enterotype to be strongly associated with HFD exposure, be it during gestation/lactation or in the postweaning interval. Examination of taxonomic co‐occurrences revealed samples within the low Treponema cluster were relatively permissive (allowing for increased interactions between microbiota) whereas samples within the high Treponema cluster were relatively exclusionary (suggesting decreased interactions amongst microbiota). Taken together, these findings suggest that Treponemes are keystone species in the developing gut microbiome of the gut, and susceptible to HFD feeding in their relative abundance.  相似文献   
Almost all primates experience seasonal fluctuations in the availability of key food sources. However, the degree to which this fluctuation impacts foraging behavior varies considerably. Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda, live in a montane forest environment characterized by lower primary productivity and resource diversity than low‐elevation forests. Little is known about chimpanzee feeding ecology in montane forests, and research to date predominantly relies on indirect methods such as fecal analyses. This study is the first to use mostly observational data to examine how seasonal food availability impacts the feeding ecology of montane forest chimpanzees. We examine seasonal changes in chimpanzee diet and fallback foods (FBFs) using instantaneous scan samples and fecal analyses, supported by inspection of feeding remains. Chimpanzee fruit abundance peaked during the major dry season, with a consequent change in chimpanzee diet reflecting the abundance and diversity of key fruit species. Terrestrial herbaceous vegetation was consumed throughout the year and is defined as a “filler” FBF. In contrast to studies conducted in lower‐elevation chimpanzee sites, figs (especially Ficus lutea) were preferred resources, flowers were consumed at seasonally high rates and the proportion of non‐fig fruits in the diet were relatively low in the current study. These divergences likely result from the comparatively low environmental diversity and productivity in higher‐elevation environments.  相似文献   
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